A. Davis Visser - A Golden Blade 

This is the day we are excited to release this one from our artist A. Davis Visser! "A Golden Blade" is a this 10 minute EP album and the main and only track is called Silver Vessels And A Headless Corpse. If you are our fan and if you are following our releases, name A. Davis Visser is already  known for you because not so long ago we released his awesome album "Moon Of A Thousand Dead Faces" *(if you havent check it out now). And after this one we were open to more stuff from Davis, this is next thing from him and it continues his great work in his experimental, noise, drone musical journey which he calls "funeral murk". Check this one because this is perfect chance to get into dark world Davis is giving us a glimpse into. Get your free release or support SSR and artist over there on bandcamp! All the links are below! 


link:  https://avisser.bandcamp.com/


We are proud to present to you our newest release by new SSR artist Sean Shimmer! Album is named "We Are The Castle" and this is truly an extraordinary release. This awesome album features 11 extremely fresh songs by Sean Shimmer, and as he says this collection is just recent individual workings compiled together resulting in a cohesive listening experience. But we must say this album is a prime example how electronic experimental and ambient music is made. There are examples of slow droning ones, and energetic rhythmic tunes, and you wont be let down if you love some noisy stuff because "We Are The Castle" has those tracks too. I must admit this album is something I listened last few weeks and it has just grown on me. So that is reason why SSR is proud to have artist on our roster like Sean Shimmer because this is the stuff we keep the label alive. Hope this album gets you into a great mood as it has done with us. Get it now and enjoy! 



Sean Shimmer






The time has come to bring you something new and fresh on SSR again! We are proud to bring you "Heaving Toward None" album by our new artist Nick Hertzberg. He is creating and performing under a variety of projects and this is his new harsh noise album. We may say this 7 track album has captured our ears and filled them with sweet and fresh noises which are filled with variety, complexity and unexpected twists. We cannot skip this albums beautiful cover art, which is somehow reflecting this albums creativity an chaos in the same moment. "Heaving Toward None" is a continuation of his album “Vertigo Smear” that was released earlier this year on Beyond Death label. All the tracks on this album are made with synths, hand-made boxes and mics and pedals then filtered chopped and effected digitally. We hope that all of you who love experimental noise and harsh noise check out this album and get the best hint what its all about and what are all the best ingredients for a great harsh noise experimental album which will keep you listening till the last track. Big kudos for Nick Hertzberg and his masterpiece of experimental / digital harsh noise album. We scream for more! Do not hesitate for a moment and get this one now!






Ezpannto Negro - Inner Pulsations

Yes this is the time for Ezpannto Negro! If the name reminds you of Nauzea Negra you are right to the point! Ezpannto Negro is another noise project with slight dark ambient twist but still hard and without compromise. Main man behind this project is Ezpannto, and is from Mexico City and well known around the web as very productive HNW collaborator with lot of noise artists and labels. Back to this release, "Inner Pulsations" is an album which has 4 tracks and they are exactly 7:00 minutes long, this is obviously very important because among the noises, artist want to tells us that he is precise not just with his noise terror but also with his track length. Track names are not creative because those are just four parts of Inner Pulsations theme and each one has added an increasing number. I am sure there are a lot of you who will try to listen to this, and will fail, and Ezpannto Negro is counting on your failure. He is not doing this for meek ones, just real noise freaks can find beauty in his work. So its on you! Go now!



A. Davis Visser - Moon Of A Thousand Dead Faces

SSR is back with another unique release! This time we have the privilege to give you album by A. Davis Visser called "Moon Of A Thousand Dead Faces". This is a four track release of experimental ritual noise, dark ambient and to be precise, as Davis calls his genre of music "funeral murk". Very interesting name for a genre of music, and we at SSR love his work. The only bad thing is that this album is only four tracks and is short. This album is great for all noise and drone lovers, as it incorporates these elements flawlessly. First three tracks are shorter in length, not longer than 3 minutes, but last track is 10 minutes long and gives you the real sense of Davises "funeral murk" and is perfect to get you into his world and vision of the dark spaces hiding in everyone of us. I know you like this, check it out, download it for free, give support!


link:  https://avisser.bandcamp.com/


Nauzea Negra - Stronghold

SSR is continuing with new releases, this time it is Nauzea Negra with harsh noise wall album "Stronghold". We are proud to release this 30 minute HNW excellence filled with some classic experimental and digital noise. As you man know Nauzea Negra (main man behind this project is known as Ezpannto) is from Mexico City and well known around the web as very productive HNW collaborator with lot of noise artists and labels. Nauzea Negra is purely the deconstruction of music to it's raw roots which is heavy noise! "Stronghold" is split into 3 tracks which are exactly 10 minutes long and will give you a 10 minute harsh noise torture every new track you experience. So check this heavy noise album, or just try to taste this torturing noise now!



We are excited that we are releasing newest Dichotomy Engine album today! We know that you are familiar with Dichotomy Engine and his works, this time it is venturing into place of symphonic noise music. "Synchaos" is an audacious fusion of harsh noise and inverted classical music influences. This experimental noise album pushes the boundaries of both genres, weaving chaotic soundscapes. "Synchaos" stands out with its use of discordant textures juxtaposed against orchestra background, creating a sonic experience that is both jarring and mesmerizing. If you are a fan of avant garde, then you will appreciate Dichotomy Engine's daring approach, making "Synchaos" a must-listen for those seeking to explore the edges of musical creativity. Check this release now!



Interzona - Caos Urbanoide

We are excited to work another release with Interzona! This new Interzona release is called "Caos Urbanoide". This release features great artwork from main man of Interzona - Jean Souza, also this album consists of 4 harsh noise, power electronics tracks all running around 10 minutes of heavy and almost ambient noise. So if you are not introduced yet to Interzona or listened any of albums released previously on SSR, this is project from Jean Souza who is known for his harsh, drone, ambient works. Jean made sound explorations and also provided by the sounds of Suzana´s Bauten, throughout tireless recording sessions, and that somehow, it is a solid ideological corruption of the basic concepts used to make noise. Be sure to check out "Caos Urbanoide" if you are into this style of harhs noise!



Dichotomy Engine - Non Escape

Dichotomy Engine's latest work is 57-minute journey into themes of absorption and darkness, evoking cosmic and metaphorical imagery of existential turmoil and emotional states, capturing the essence of drama and intriguing sonic storytelling.This album shows glances of intricate noisegaze, blending harsh industrial sounds with unexpected ambient breaks and dark twists, creating a cinematic horror atmosphere. Tracks like "Consec" and "Monster Gaia" continue the dark ambiance with cathartic moments, while "Non Exist" and "One and Eternal" offer more subdued digressions with a restless spirit. Be sure and check it out, you can download it for free on SSR bandcamp page.



Jo Bled "Smallest Traces"!


Today is great day for SSR because we are releasing album called "Smallest Traces" which is created by our new artist Jo Bled. This one is four track album, and its a proof of detailed and repetitive genre of electronic experimental music which is created by Jo. Very pleasing, verz meditative and interesting sound. Jo Bled is a project of Jabe Ledoux, a composer/improviser/percussionist currently based in Vergennes, VT. Ledoux uses repetition,

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