SSR proudly releases Nauzea Negra - Stronghold!


Nauzea Negra - Stronghold

SSR is continuing with new releases, this time it is Nauzea Negra with harsh noise wall album "Stronghold". We are proud to release this 30 minute HNW excellence filled with some classic experimental and digital noise. As you man know Nauzea Negra (main man behind this project is known as Ezpannto) is from Mexico City and well known around the web as very productive HNW collaborator with lot of noise artists and labels. Nauzea Negra is purely the deconstruction of music to it's raw roots which is heavy noise! "Stronghold" is split into 3 tracks which are exactly 10 minutes long and will give you a 10 minute harsh noise torture every new track you experience. So check this heavy noise album, or just try to taste this torturing noise now!


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