SSR brings you Heaving Toward None by N.E. Hertzberg



The time has come to bring you something new and fresh on SSR again! We are proud to bring you "Heaving Toward None" album by our new artist Nick Hertzberg. He is creating and performing under a variety of projects and this is his new harsh noise album. We may say this 7 track album has captured our ears and filled them with sweet and fresh noises which are filled with variety, complexity and unexpected twists. We cannot skip this albums beautiful cover art, which is somehow reflecting this albums creativity an chaos in the same moment. "Heaving Toward None" is a continuation of his album “Vertigo Smear” that was released earlier this year on Beyond Death label. All the tracks on this album are made with synths, hand-made boxes and mics and pedals then filtered chopped and effected digitally. We hope that all of you who love experimental noise and harsh noise check out this album and get the best hint what its all about and what are all the best ingredients for a great harsh noise experimental album which will keep you listening till the last track. Big kudos for Nick Hertzberg and his masterpiece of experimental / digital harsh noise album. We scream for more! Do not hesitate for a moment and get this one now!





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